What is Hematuria?
Hematuria is when there’s blood in your urine. Sometimes you can see the blood, making your urine look pink, red, or tea-colored—this is called gross hematuria. Other times, the blood is only visible under a microscope—this is called microscopic hematuria. Both types can be a sign of a health problem, and the blood can come from anywhere in your urinary tract (like your kidneys, bladder, or urethra).
There are many possible causes, including:
Family history of kidney stones or kidney disease.
Infections in the kidneys or urinary tract (like a bladder or kidney infection).
Strenuous exercise (like running long distances).
Certain medications (like blood thinners).
Eating a lot of beets (which can make your urine look red but isn’t actually blood).
The main symptom is urine that looks pink, red, or brown. You might also feel pain when you urinate, but sometimes there’s no pain at all.
To find the cause of hematuria, your doctor may do:
A urinalysis (a test to check your urine for blood and other things).
Blood tests to check your kidney function.
A cystoscopy (a procedure to look inside your bladder with a tiny camera).
Imaging tests like a CT scan, MR urogram, or renal ultrasound to see your kidneys and urinary tract.
Treatment depends on what’s causing the hematuria. For example:
If it’s caused by an infection, you might need antibiotics.
If it’s caused by kidney stones, you might need treatment to remove or break up the stones.
If it’s caused by strenuous exercise, it might go away on its own after you rest.
If you notice blood in your urine, don’t ignore it! Talk to your doctor to find out the cause and get the right treatment.